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Search manuscript block (Newari) for >> thvate as a complete word >> manuscript block with thvate
manuscript block containing search term thvate
manuscript . block number : A5.4007 -- folio . line : 125a.7 -- tradition : A2 -- 662 NS -- 1542 AD
Sanskrit {7} taddhita-rthe dviguh* sam*khya-sarvvana-matadantata- bahuvri-hiradigna-mna-munneyam* taduda-hr*tam* gun*adravyakriya-yogavidhibhih* {8} paraga-minah*
phrase Newari English
1thvate va-cyalim*gah* these are adjectival
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1ML : manuscript longer than Sharma
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(from compilation)
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Sanskrittaddhita-rtho dviguh*
synonymSanskrit Nepali English
1x taddhita-rtho dviguh* paropagah* (taddhita-rthama- bhaeko dvigu sama-sa vis'es*yanighna huncha) numerals and pronouns
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1SH : no message
jastai - pan~casu kapa-les*u sam*skr*tah* (ta- tam) - pan~cakapa-lah*, pan~cakapa-la-, pan~cakapa-lam. yaha-m^ "pan~casu kapa-les*u sam*skr*tah*" (5 kapa-la (havih* sam*ska-ra garne pa-tra vis'es*a)ma- sam*ska-ra garieko) bhanne arthama- "taddhita-rthottarapadasama-ha-re ca" bhanne su-trale taddhita-rthama- (sam*skr*tam* bhaks*a-h*" bhanne su-trale an* pratyaya hune arthama-) sama-sa bhaera sam*skr*tam* bhaks*a-h*" bhanne pu-rvokta su-trale "sam*ska-ra garieko bhaks*a" bhanne arthama- an* pratyaya bhaera "dvigorluganapatye" bhanne su-trale an* pratyayako luk (lopa) garda- "pan~cakapa-la" yo s'abda baneko ho. pan~cakapa-lama- sam*ska-ra garieko vastula-i- kahane s'abda purod*a-s'a prabhr*ti pum*lin^gi- ra-khiyo bhane "pan~cakapa-lah* purod*a-s'ah*" huncha. havis prabhr*ti kli-balin^gi- ra-khiyo bhane "pan~cakapa-lam* havih*" huncha a-miks*a- prabhr*ti stri-lin^gi- ra-khiyo bhane "pan~cakapa-la- a-miks*a-" huncha.
(from compilation)
2HC : from H.T. Colebrook
note: "And terms ending in numerals and pronouns. However, most numerals must be excepted: and the rule applies only to those from one to four, which agree in gender with the subject." (p.402)
(from compilation)
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Lexicon Main Browse Index Use installed Classical Sanskrit font Edit A5.4007 Show image of A5.125a