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Search manuscript block (Newari) for >> lithau as a complete word >> manuscript block with lithau
manuscript block containing search term lithau
manuscript . block number : A2.4010 -- folio . line : 160b.4 -- tradition : A2 -- 506 NS -- 1386 AD
Sanskrit parali�ga� svapradh�ne dvandve tatpuru�epi tat
phrase Newari English
1thvatai sam�sasa {5} lithau �abday� li�ga jva��e it is to be held gender of later word in these compound
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Sanskritparali�ga� svapradh�ne dvandve tatpuru�e'pi tat //42//
synonymSanskrit Nepali English
1x svapradh�ne dvandve parali�ga� bhavati, tatpuru�e'pi tat (parali�ga�) bhavati (sam�sa garine sabai pada pradh�na bhaeko (arth�t itaretara yoga bujh�una garine) dvandva sam�sam� juna pada sababhand� para cha tyasaiko li�ga samasta padam� rahancha. tatpuru�a sam�sam� pani tyasaigar� para padako li�ga rahancha) the gender of the final is retained
comment / problem
1SH : no message
jastai - "kukku�a�ca may�r� ca - anayo� itaretarayoga�" bhand� "kukku�amay�ryau" yasto may�r� �abdako li�g�nus�ra samasta pada str�li�g� bhayo. "may�r� ca kukku�a�ca" bhand� "may�r�kukku�au" yasto kukku�a �abdako li�g�nus�ra samasta pada pu�li�g� bhayo ity�di. "br�hma�asya kula�" bhand� �a��h� tatpuru�a sam�sa bhaera kula �abdako li�g�nus�ra "br�hma�akulam" yo samasta pada kl�bali�g� bhayo. "kulasya br�hma�a�" bhand� p�rvokta sam�sa bhaera br�hma�a �abdako li�g�nus�ra "kulabr�hma�a�" yo samastapada pu�li�g� bhayo ity�di.
(from compilation)
2HC : from H.T. Colebrook
note: "In certain compound terms, Viz. Conjunctive compounds in which the several terms are principal; and compound terms formed of a principal one with a modification of it. Ex. (fem.) kukku�amayuryau, a dunghill cock and a peahen. (masc.) mayur�kukka�au, a peahen and a dunghill cock. (m.) kulavipra�, the priest of the family. (n.) viprakula�, the family of the priest." (p.402)
(from compilation)
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Lexicon Main Browse Index Use browser default font Edit A2.4010 Show image of A2.160b